Lets talk about redesigns

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Well-Known Member
....No it's not? Both stages have nothing alike, unless the Raft stage has an octopus danger zone and pirate motif we don't know about xD

Hit a wall and the boat starts moving. Hit a wall and the raft starts moving. Only difference is the danger zone. One has an octopus and the other the cliff. The cliffhangers seem to be gone so we got the other type.

Hitomi's Gi is a bit bland as expected… black top with the larger, golden eagle… problem solved (for me at least).

Its a karati gi, not really sure how they would make it any other way. Only thing I'd change is to make the undershirt shirt black with the gold phoenix like in DoA3.


Well-Known Member
ok, i’ll take matt word for it, maybe they turn it on at the demo.

btw my only gripe with the stage is in officials site say the spike is a dangerous bla bla bla increase damage but i see is only a wall bump. no special animation or some sort.

too much explosion in the second level, should tone it down a bit


Well-Known Member
Really I don't think cliffhangers will be gone It's fast that we haven't seen one yet, I wouldn't be surprised to see them return once more stages get revealed.

It wasn't exactly received warmly in vanilla doa5. Most didn't like the concept. I'd be surprised if they made a comeback over traditional cliffs, especially since you didn't see them much, if at all in the later released doa5 stages.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't exactly received warmly in vanilla doa5. Most didn't like the concept. I'd be surprised if they made a comeback over traditional cliffs, especially since you didn't see them much, if at all in the later released doa5 stages.

Oh sorry I misunderstood what you meant, I thought you meant cliffs in general in stages rather than the mechanic of when you're hanging off the each and the button pressing to guard or not. Yeah in that case then I actually don't know about if cliffhangers will return I'm sure stages where you can knock people off the stage into other areas and everything will return though.

Does anyone know at what time during gamescom we might see more footage of doa6?


Active Member
They've talked about appealing to hardcore fighters and casuals quite evenly so far, so because of the latter group I expect more cinematic touches, not less. Giant octopuss gives fingers a break from :P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P::P:


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Only thing I'd change is to make the undershirt shirt black with the gold phoenix like in DoA3.

Well yes, that's basically exactly what I was hoping for. (Ideally I'd probably want some red feathers on the Phoenix/Eagle so the color pattern is black, red, gold for obvious reasons) Currently, it's just too uniformly white, but as @UpSideDownGRUNT said… might be one of the available recolors.

It is my belief they just have the boob juggle turned off for the trailer. I don't expect anyone to believe me, but I have my reasons: I know that jiggle is in or will be in the game, there is also no dirt or sweat most noticeably on Hitomi in contrast to the screens, and Team NINJA doesn't want focus on the jiggle for their marketing.

They should still make a trailer with Jiggle, so people can at least start moving the goalposts. TGS is next month and is probably the last opportunity where the game gets mainstream attention before launch. If they want to avoid it at all costs in the Western marketing, just make a separate JP trailer… the settings during gameplay probably do not matter, it's enough if they'd record the intros with and without physics…

The normie opinion atm seems to be that the game is shitting on the majority of their fanbase, which they milked for hundreds of $$$ during DoA5's lifespan. That's probably even worse than being the “titty fighter with no depth”.

Also… they should probably display those cards/posters from the character select at some point in the trailer, so new people at least have an idea who these characters are supposed to be XD


Premium Donor
Hit a wall and the boat starts moving. Hit a wall and the raft starts moving. Only difference is the danger zone. One has an octopus and the other the cliff. The cliffhangers seem to be gone so we got the other type.

Its a karati gi, not really sure how they would make it any other way. Only thing I'd change is to make the undershirt shirt black with the gold phoenix like in DoA3.
Yeah but other than that they're not similar, the boat is also not really moving, from what I saw it was just going up and down since the force of the wall hit was causing it to sway on the water, plus the octopus hit the side of the water. The raft stage is actually moving and traveling down the water current when you break the side part and it stops near the edge of the waterfall. If anything that's the only part remotely similar to the ship since the raft will lean depending on where you stand. The boat pretty much remains stationary besides it being nudged and pushed by the octopus from what I saw


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Japan being Japan, TGS is when I expect the more flirtatious side of DOA6 to be shown. Though I don't expect a total 180, I expect they will show some bounce, and possibly reveal :marierose: or :honoka:

That's pretty much my expectation as well… jiggle in the trailer and at least the reveal of one of those four: Ayane, Marie, Honoka, or new girl (if she's hot… and Asian :p )

Matt Ponton

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I expect new girl to be there because it being TGS. However, E3 didn't get new guy so....

Additionally, don't know what they have from now until release, and when release is exactly.

I could see Ayane and Honoka being revealed at the same time, due to story reasons possibly.


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It is my belief they just have the boob juggle turned off for the trailer. I don't expect anyone to believe me, but I have my reasons: I know that jiggle is in or will be in the game, there is also no dirt or sweat most noticeably on Hitomi in contrast to the screens, and Team NINJA doesn't want focus on the jiggle for their marketing.

I believe you and I can tell you two more indications that there is actually breast jiggle in and they just turned it off for the trailer. :)

When the screens leaked I, as always, observed them very carefully. Among other stuff I noticed two things:
1) The little eagle on Hitomi's sports bra had slightly clipped wings. At first I thought they messed up the texturing...
2) In some of the screens you clearly see the rim of the sports bra is deformed and not straight as it is on screens where she is standing still or in the trailer.

This leads me to believe the screens were made in motion and with the breast physics on. The clipped wings of the eagle only seem clipped because the shifting fabric of the sports bra, due to the breasts moving underneath, clipped through the outer parts of the eagle texture. It is something that happens on DOA5 models often as well. In the trailer, which had the physics turned off, the eagle wings aren't clipped.
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Active Member
I am not feeling Leifang's new design. Why is she wearing something sporty? as an atlernative costume it would have looked good but not as her main one, also white part in her top is so bland and I hate everything about although her face is absolutely beautiful and her hair looks so good now with the new graphics.

I had high hopes for Hitomi but unfortunately she still acts the same way she did in the last 2 games and is it me of her hair looks shorter now?

I am not feeling the stage either, they need to stop already with these dark stages.

I was so happy for DOA to change it's direction but did we really need the game to be that dark atmosphere wise? Give me back my DOAU2 colorful stages back.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
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Yes. Yes. "DOA6 looks no better than DOA5" :confused:


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