Dead or Alive 6 Trailer (Early 2019)

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I have a feeling that they won't cut out many characters from doa5 to doa6(virtua characters might get cut I guess). The character models still look a lot similar to doa5 ones (which already looked great to begin with).


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I have a feeling that they won't cut out many characters from doa5 to doa6(virtua characters might get cut I guess). The character models still look a lot similar to doa5 ones (which already looked great to begin with).

They won't be coming back. It's time for a new cast.

Also they mentioned that on launch the game's default roster will be pure DOA cast until DLC content or next build.


Standard Donor
Anyone else think that's Phase 4? I don't think it is, but I get a P4 feeling based on her outfit. It's weird though. It has the aesthetics of what P4 would wear but it also has the Mugen Tenshin symbol on the back.

Oh shit. I just watched the trailer again. So she has the Mugen Tenshin symbol AND her trademark kodachi (sword) on her back. But I guess P4 also had a kodachi back when she was cutting Bayman's boys down in DOA5LR. Her outfit resembles her Ninja Gaiden: Razor's Edge outfit, but without her blue color cape.

But the reason why I don't think she's Kasumi is because she's not wearing any kind of blue color:

Her blue color (such as her default DOA1 (PS version) ~ DOA5 kunoichi princess outfit above) is part of her character because that specific blue color symbolizes she is a princess of the Mugen Tenshin clan (only members of the royal family can wear that color). This was actually emphasized in both Hayate's and Kasumi's DLC in DOA5LR:

Maybe it's just my screen but the new Kasumi looks like she's wearing a teal color. I'll watch it on another screen later.


  • Kasumi-DOA5-kasumi-34590252-851-458.jpg
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They also mentioned this:

View attachment 25003

However they mentioned the same thing somewhat back on DOA5's release so it's too early to judge the pre-build or vanilla upcoming. TN will give in.

To be fair, the first comment was from Koei Tecmo, the later part (outside the quotation marks) is IGN's opinion after playing the demo version of the game...


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Anyone else think that's Phase 4? I don't think it is, but I get a P4 feeling based on her outfit. It's weird though. It has the aesthetics of what P4 would wear but it also has the Mugen Tenshin symbol on the back.

Oh shit. I just watched the trailer again. So she has the Mugen Tenshin symbol AND her trademark kodachi (sword) on her back. But I guess P4 also had a kodachi back when she was cutting Bayman's boys down in DOA5LR. Her outfit resembles her Ninja Gaiden: Razor's Edge outfit, but without her blue color cape.

But the reason why I don't think she's Kasumi is because she's not wearing any kind of blue color:
View attachment 25006

Her blue color (such as her default DOA1 (PS version) ~ DOA5 kunoichi princess outfit above) is part of her character because that specific blue color symbolizes she is a princess of the Mugen Tenshin clan (only members of the royal family can wear that color). This was actually emphasized in both Hayate's and Kasumi's DLC in DOA5LR:
View attachment 25007

Maybe it's just my screen but the new Kasumi looks like she's wearing a teal color. I'll watch it on another screen later.
Phase 4 actually used a katana and not a kodachi in her trailer. That’s Kasumi in the gameplay, Phase 4 doesn’t have Sakura petals when she fights.

Btw, what is up with these super meters and fatal rush? That is so not DOA it reminds me more of a 2D game than of DOA.


Well-Known Member

So, my first impression of the trailer ist a bit different. While I like the graphic-push for the stages, I am pretty confused about all the blood drops on the screen. I mean - seriously, the blood doesn't even come from the characters in various moments. It looks dark like MK, Killer Instinct and Injustice. The overall visuals are "okay" so far. Not too impressed with the "new" look of the characters, while the facial impressions got improved, as far as I can see. I would have shown a new character in the first trailer, but that's just me.

I'm interested in their "release strategy" - character pay wall and so on and so on. Hope Rachel is included day one. ;P

Let's see, how this turns out.


Well-Known Member
Looks great, Early 2019 couldn’t come any faster

Can’t wait to see how Misaki, Luna, & Tamaki are implemented in DOA6

Hope they get rid of that blood stuff on the sides of the screen, that’ll get annoying


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I wonder if this'll be F2P off the bat.

The Break Gauge – the first super meter ever for the series – gets charged with every attack landed or taken, and by blocking. Once it is full, players can perform either the Break Blow, which is a flashy and highly destructive special attack, or the Break Hold, a useful counter attack that deals low damage but works against high, low and mid attacks.

I'm confused. So is there a fourth button now or did they just rename free/hold again? Because this article calls it a new button but then it makes it seem like regular old counters need this meter the button is tied to.
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I was curious about a F2P version as well in similar to the 4 default starting characters.

If anything, I'm having doubts about since DOA needs to sell for the hot cakes cashola before making a F2P version, just my guess though.


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It has to be because Kasumi has no reason to be sad anymore. I think they'll be wearing the same thing tbh or maybe they did it for the trailer but this is something Phase 4 would do more or so than Kasumi as of DOA5LR

I don't know man, Kasumi is cool with Ayane now but she's still being hunted by the Mugen Tenshin clan. I gather that's why she was hiding out in Hayabusa's village (?) or Muramasa's place in DOA5.

Her ending in DOAX3, she tells the owner she was happy to visit the island because it reminded her of a time when she was happy before she left the clan pre-DOA1. A lot of people label her as a "tragic heroine". According to her DOA2 ending, she wants to go home, in a sad voice. But she can't, not ever. Quoting Hayabusa from DOA2: "The life of a Shinobi is a harsh one"
cutscene at 1:28
ending at 6:46


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Wait, people didn't like the stagger system?
I sure as hell didn't. Literal mash-to-win is a very stupid mechanic.
Removing the stagger escape system doesn't mean simply leaving every stun as it is now on full. If you removed stagger escaping, you'd simply re-asses the stun times in light of the change, probably putting them somewhere in the middle of DOA5's full SE and DOA5's no SE.

It would simply make the game cleaner from a functional standpoint. On defense you wouldn't be flailing your fingers around every time you get hit, and on offense you would know exactly which follow-ups can connect. For example, I never even use combos that can be stagger-escaped unless I'm trying to taunt my opponent. In a serious match, why would anyone take that risk?


Standard Donor
Phase 4 actually used a katana and not a kodachi in her trailer. That’s Kasumi in the gameplay, Phase 4 doesn’t have Sakura petals when she fights.

Btw, what is up with these super meters and fatal rush? That is so not DOA it reminds me more of a 2D game than of DOA.

I only saw the trailer twice so if there was sakura petals than it was 100% Kasumi! Phase 4 has that dark mist. So that's good to hear.

It also looks like they combined some of P4's moves with Kasumi. I love P4 and all but please no more Kasumi clones. Alpha-154 is enough.


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It's Kasumi. She's like 99% of the chances of appearing on screen on first reveals.

If anything, I'm surprised Marie Rose or Honoka didn't pop up along on the very first reveal. Course, we already know those two will be in the game but was surprised is all.

Time to pester TN about adding Genra/His style back. Awesome news.

Better hope his projectiles isn't Raidou kek.


Well-Known Member
They won't be coming back. It's time for a new cast.

Also they mentioned that on launch the game's default roster will be pure DOA cast until DLC content or next build.

Ah right, well that's good I guess, hope Ninja Gaiden characters at least make a return though :|


Well-Known Member
Wasn't expecting this. Accidentally saw the trailer on YouTube, and immediately came here. A few notes;

  • Character face models are exactly the same. The only things that changed is the effects on them. So... Either more polygons (or simply higher resolution) or tessellation is being used. Textures seem the same, but they might have added some bump mapping, or alpha mapping. Don't think I'm seeing any sub-surface scattering. Expected a bit more here, but, the faces are not the most important part of the game anyway.
  • One thing that definitely is present is self-shadowing, which is good to see.
  • The screen gets muddy/bloody when hit.
  • Sidestepping is back, obviously.
  • Juggle mechanics seems different, but we'll have to wait and see.
  • On one of the maps, there are NPCs against the wall that push you back into the fight. That was quite interesting.
  • Bruises, although being a graphical addition, doesn't really add much.
  • The whole Fatal Rush and Break Gauge... Not sure if I'll like it. Power blows worked well though, so, I'll reserve judgment.
  • The Hayate seen in the trailer is likely the Hayate version of Kasumi Alpha, so... Hayate Alpha.
  • Not liking the Hayabusa fire & lightning effects. But again, I'm reserving judgment until we know more.
  • I hope they don't botch the PC port this time, because that's where I'm getting it.
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