The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


Premium Donor
Funny how Tekken does the exact opposite of DOA. In DOA games the focus lies clearly on the girls, they are modelled, textured and shaded the best, while the male character models are lacking in all these departments. Tekken clearly focuses on the male character models however. They are sculpted with the most care and boast details like the smallest veins running beneath the skin. Close up you can count each skin pore.
That's why I like it, DOA is great for the girls while Tekken makes the guys well built and hunky unlike DOA which focuses on making the girls curvy and voluptuous. You would think that I'M the person who directs how the girls bodies in DOA look and how the mens bodies in tekken look with how uh....detailed they are


Well-Known Member
While I can appreciate the detail put into them I don't like the male tekken bodies. Too much sinew. Reminds me of that one mod for DOA




Premium Donor
While I can appreciate the detail put into them I don't like the male tekken bodies. Too much sinew. Reminds me of that one mod for DOA


Mmm, that looks like the tekken backs from TTT2, jin always had a nicely built back


I also hope we get an afro hairstyle so I can give it to claudio


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Crash Bandicoot recorded on the PS4 Pro in 4K. Looks very pretty and super smooth:

(GhostRobo is one of my favorite Youtubers, he's funny. XD)

To think that when we were kids games looked like this:


And characters like this:


You really needed some imagination to actually see how the game is supposed to look. XD It's kinda sad that kids these days don't need any imagination anymore. They also don't get wowed each new console generation with improved visuals and their favorite characters looking slowly better and better.


Well-Known Member
Crash Bandicoot recorded on the PS4 Pro in 4K. Looks very pretty and super smooth:

(GhostRobo is one of my favorite Youtubers, he's funny. XD)

To think that when we were kids games looked like this:


And characters like this:


You really needed some imagination to actually see how the game is supposed to look. XD It's kinda sad that kids these days don't need any imagination anymore. They also don't get wowed each new console generation with improved visuals and their favorite characters looking slowly better and better.

Lol it really is crazy seeing the same levels again only in HD now. ! :D It looks so good. And yeah to me the real shock of how far graphics had came was when I saw RE5 when It came out and seeing how amazing it looked compared to past games.


Well-Known Member
...I can see by your avatar that I just noticed that you must be..."really" excited for the Crash remaster.

Bartender: What will you be having?
Me: Bleach on the rocks, thanks.


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Lol it really is crazy seeing the same levels again only in HD now. ! :D It looks so good. And yeah to me the real shock of how far graphics had came was when I saw RE5 when It came out and seeing how amazing it looked compared to past games.

Ultra HD! :)

Resident Evil 5? Yeah, it looked cool. Why was it exactly this game that stood out to you?

Resident 4 (if we are staying with RE) on Gamecube absolutely blew me away when it released.

(Wow, poor video quality...)

No other game looked that good and realistic before. RE5 felt more like a continuation of it.


Well-Known Member
Oh re4 was amazing too and I thought so but I had it on ps2 not gamecube so the graphics weren't as good. Still that game was iconic for so many reasons. Still love re4. Honestly I'm sure there's lots of games that blew me away when I saw them. Mario Sunshine back when that came out too probably. GTA 4 too. SC4 when I got that was amazing as well.


Premium Donor
I got the game so I'll take some shots when I can play it, so you're spared my Tekken 7 shots I think till the DLC drops or I get bored XD


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Since we discussed FFXV and its many shortcomings over in the FF-thread, let's take a look at what the game did really well here. :)
When I jumped back into the game yesterday, I again realized just how beautiful the regions Duscae and Cleign actually are. I amost forget how pretty everything was and how the island of Lucis actually feels like a real island in size and composition.










Well-Known Member
Since we discussed FFXV and its many shortcomings over in the FF-thread, let's take a look at what the game did really well here. :)
When I jumped back into the game yesterday, I again realized just how beautiful the regions Duscae and Cleign actually are. I amost forget how pretty everything was and how the island of Lucis actually feels like a real island in size and composition.









Honestly regardless of any opinions of the story and other things that we'd wish would have been done, Duscae and the places around it are gorgeous and I love what they managed to do with that entire area. The huge creatures walking in the marsh and then 50's style cars driving past an old garage station towards Lestallum. And the amazing looking volcano in the background! The whole open world area is amazing. And Lestallum is a great town for FF.

The games so excited!

The new crash game? It will be cool to see your screens!


Premium Donor
Honestly regardless of any opinions of the story and other things that we'd wish would have been done, Duscae and the places around it are gorgeous and I love what they managed to do with that entire area. The huge creatures walking in the marsh and then 50's style cars driving past an old garage station towards Lestallum. And the amazing looking volcano in the background! The whole open world area is amazing. And Lestallum is a great town for FF.

The new crash game? It will be cool to see your screens!
I'm just waiting for my mom and sister to go to bed so I won't have to play in front of them. I got it and told mom yesterday I was getting it and all of a sudden when I'm in the car today's she's like what game is it so I told her and as I expected she got all into it and so did my sister so now I'm gonna have to play in front of them. I don't feel like doing it today so I'm just waiting them out and I'll play all night once they go to bed


Premium Donor
Ok so here's some pics I took






This level brought back so many memories




Probably one of the darkest most unsettling levels in the game. If you look closely up ahead at the water you'll see a hidden goon up ahead in the water, it used to scare me when I was younger​


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I wished you guys would finally learn how to take and upload uncompressed images in png format, to present a game how it actually looks like. So much clearer, sharper and more colorful. Compression is impacting all of these things. :/
Nice pics though.

While we are talking about Naughty Dog...they keep on tweaking and polishing the already amazing graphics of The Lost Legcay.


They tweaked the character modelling, made Chloe's shoulders a bit slimmer, added some hair strands sticking to her skin, went over the facial expressions, the texturing of skin and clothes, added more contrast and of course warm lamp lighting to the scene.

Can't wait, this game is going to be so gorgeous. :)


Well-Known Member
I wished you guys would finally learn how to take and upload uncompressed images in png format, to present a game how it actually looks like. So much clearer, sharper and more colorful. Compression is impacting all of these things. :/
Nice pics though.

While we are talking about Naughty Dog...they keep on tweaking and polishing the already amazing graphics of The Lost Legcay.


They tweaked the character modelling, made Chloe's shoulders a bit slimmer, added some hair strands sticking to her skin, went over the facial expressions, the texturing of skin and clothes, added more contrast and of course warm lamp lighting to the scene.

Can't wait, this game is going to be so gorgeous. :)

Don't read us to filth lol, I don't understand how to make the images better quality. :p

And yeah back in April I wouldn't of thought they had to improve the look of the characters etc ( Neither did I notice until now that they had changed them ) but seeing the improvements they did it does look better so that's awesome.