Warriors All-Stars


Premium Donor
Pretty much the same way as in DOA, Marie will have her typical dance move attacks and the occasional systema hold and Honoka will just use her move style


Well-Known Member
Nah she will have a tag super with Honoka where they both giggle and do a pose with a peace sign instantly killing every enemy on the screen


Well-Known Member
Starting to wonder if Ayane is some sort of boss or anything.

She's one of TK's most iconic character (she's a guest in so many games : Ninja Gaiden, Dynasty Warriors, Senran Kagura, Warriors Orochi, Fatal Frame..). She has to be in it.

Secretly hoping Helena could be a DLC character in that game someday


Premium Donor
Ayane is just second popular to Kasumi is all and they use her in crossovers to give her some recognition, probably since Kasumi already has appeared in a lot of stuff herself

Number 13

Well-Known Member
Kind of want to see a skit where Kasumi/Ayane [the old guard] feel threatened at this point by the arrogance of Marie Rose/Honoka being the hot new thing.

Blazblue did this and was pretty funny.

Anyway here is the confirmed characters so far organized by series.

- Kasumi [Dead or Alive]
- Marie Rose [Dead or Alive]
- Honoka [Dead or Alive]

- Ryu Hayabusa [Ninja Gaiden]

- Oka [Toukiden]
- Horo [Toukiden]

- Millennia [Deception]

- Sophie Neuenmuller [Atelier Sophie]
- Plachta [Atelier Sophie]

- Yukimura Sanada [Samurai Warriors]
- Mitsunari Ishida [Samurai Warriors]

- Zhao Yun [Dynasty Warriors]
- Wang Yuanji [Dynasty Warriors]
- Zhou Cang [Dynasty Warriors]

- Hajime Arima [Haruka: Beyond the Stream of Time]
- Darius [Haruka: Beyond the Stream of Time]

- Rio [Rio! Rainbow Gate]

- Opoona [Opoona]

- Setsuna [Musou Stars]
- Shiki [Musou Stars]
- Tamaki [Musou Stars]

Think that is all of them so far which brings the current count to 21. There are at least 9 more characters. There is a rumor that on the website the character count # for the OC furries are in the 90 range so who knows.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by 90 range? I'm excited for Rio too a
But I'm really excited that Honoka and Marie are in even if it's pretty strange it will be interesting to see how they act since we haven't seen them in a story position really. Even if its non canon we can still learn stuff about them maybe then.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, Momiji, Rachel and Ayane should be in. William from Ni-Oh as well, and probably Naotora from SW. A Fatal Frame character should be in (with a cool mechanic).

Do you expect a Tecmo Bowl reference ?


Well-Known Member
I think if all three of them were in it would be a littllittle to many characters from DOA and ng if there is only going to be 30 characters in total. I would like a Fatal Frame character though.


Well-Known Member

too bad i'm not fond of the hack and slash SW type of game.

Is that rio

My interest is piqued

Huh? You not a fan of the male one?? He looks cook imo, the little girl one is oodles of cute tho

Catgirl always beats catboy

But anyways this is starting to feel like another Playstation All Stars cheap cashin.

Like dont call it "stars" when you pick the d list brigade instead of your actual stars.

Also where linkle


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor

too bad i'm not fond of the hack and slash SW type of game.

You'd think they would put in Christie with a red trenchcoat, give her some John Woo-inspired "gun-fu" techniques, and give her multiple types of firearms concealed in the trenchcoat to spice things up. You know... real killer shit befitting of a Musou game. But nooooo... we get Puella Magi Honoka Magica and the chick from Death Note.

At this point, it's clear that they wanna make this particular Musou game to be as kid-friendly as possible... otherwise they wouldn't have bothered with them at all.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Holy shit...are people trying to apply logic in a fucking MOUSOU GAME!?
You do realize logic has long since died from those types of games the very second that your one general, commander, etc. can somehow take on and defeat 1000+ enemies without breaking a sweat and singlehandedly saving your entire army from certain destruction countless times...which can even be done with characters who are basically children(Da Qaio and Xa Qaio), or aren't even remotely experienced enough for their age groups for actual training.

I mean did people forget Naotora doesn't use anything past blades on her feet? Against people who uses swords, guns, magic, etc? *Sigh* I'm fucking disappointed in all of you, you all have to hold those L's on your chest because you don't need to like them, but don't make hogwash like that into actual "logical reasons".

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
A whole bunch of you fools set me off with this nonsense.
How in the blue hell does Marie and Honoka not fit into a Mousou game when we have characters who fight with fucking instruments and a fucking CARPET can fit into a Mousou game?
Have you guys ever played a Mousou game or type before? Because I damn sure have and trust me, a good chunk of the cast has weapons that are very improbable for obvious logistical purposes, let alone actual use in combat.

Let me actually toss some examples:
Zhen Ji, a woman who has no combat experience whatsoever, fights with a flute. There's no magic in the flute nor was she ever stated to be versed in magic...she just fights with a flute.
Zhuge Liang fights with a feather fan, Huang Gai upgraded to a damn BOAT, Lu Su uses a freaking rake and Chen Cong literally fights with a War Scroll or something...

So they are actual fighters...but Marie Rose and Honoka is impractical...because they fight with their hands only. The "logic" of that is just ready to make my damn head explode.
I don't care if you hate them or don't like them but for heaven's sake, use actual reasoning.

Wanting Christie because she could have used guns and such with her moveset? That makes sense, I'm not knocking you for it at all, but don't pretend that Marie and Honoka cannot work for a Mousou game when the same can be said of any crossover character in any game, let alone a Mousou game.