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John P.

Active Member
The characters ages are revealed in past games, DOA5 is 2 years later, as for VF fighters, Sarah was 20 in VF1, and at least 24 as of VF5, her brother is 3 years older, Akira I forget his age, Pai is at least 22 as of VF5.
It's over twenty years later from the original vf tho


Active Member
It's over twenty years later from the original vf tho
you're joking, right if I may ask? Sarah is not in her 40's, unless she and all the other characters did what Nina and Anna Williams did in Tekken. Also DOA1 came out in the 90's. I'm referring to in their universal time line.


Premium Donor
The fact that tn had to put at the bottom of the screen age:18 and not for any other character is why she's questioned
....They did the same with Honoka, but no one gives her any flak, it's a really lopsided double standard imo. If MR had big boobs, a curvier figure, and basically just had a body like Honoka, then no one would be giving her a hard time. Some guy here on FSD even makes these statuses making these lame, insensitive and tasteless jokes and scenarios where her age is questioned because of how she looks(And ironically mains and makes very lewd comments about Honoka), I'm really bored of it.

I also CANNOT stand when tournament commentators have to make these lame sidebar comments whenever someone chooses any of her DLC that shows off as little as leg, one commentator literally said he had to bleach his eyes all because SonicFox chose her Tatsunoko DLC...yeah, I'm sorry but it isn't that serious.


Well-Known Member
The inevitable Marie Rose age debate... My 2 cents, Marie Rose is 18 but they gave her the body of a 10 year old. So I don't take her age seriously. They also gave her and Honoka "child faces" and I typically call Honoka "babyface". Let's keep this on topic please.


Well-Known Member
When you think about it, Marie is the most unfortunate character of the bunch. An 18 year old who looks and acts like she's 12 who works as a full time maid. Likely has no educational background besides elementary high school and will probably spend the rest of her life scrubbing the dirt off Helena's floors.
She seems to hold Helena in high regard, at least, and doesn't appear to be particularly unhappy with her situation. Hell, she's so dedicated that Helena basically had to force her to take a vacation.


Well-Known Member
I think the situation is slightly different with Honoka because while she has Marie's almost identical face, she's a pinhead. Younger/cutesier people/animals generally have larger heads in comparison to their body and with Marie she has a similar sized head to Honoka while having a much slimmer frame and a hairstyle that makes her head appear larger with the pigtails and ribbons. If Honoka's head was a little bigger and her hair had more volume to it she'd likely be complained about more for not looking her "official age" (which TN kinda alluded to actually being 16 iirc)

Zero Beat

Well-Known Member
So this thread stopped giving me updates for like a week and now it's giving me updates again. Strange. Anyway, haven't watched Fairy Tail yet, so this pack is meh to me until I do unless they get some cool costumes. The ones I have seen so far give me some hope.

Also this game needs more transformating costumes. It's like 2 costumes for the price of 1! Being a Phase 4 main helps because that means I have 2 transforming costumes to choose from.


Well-Known Member
If MR had big boobs, a curvier figure, and basically just had a body like Honoka, then no one would be giving her a hard time.
I kind of doubt that. If Marie didn't throw tantrums, fake cry, and hit every "child" mannerism trope, then no one would be giving her a hard time. It's not just about being "underdeveloped".

And you can always count on me to give Honoka a hard time if it'll help. I say she also kind of acts like a child. And Tom Lee's "15-year-old schoolgirl" design comment from that interview way back also comes to mind. lol

I'm sorry but it isn't that serious.
The same could be said of you getting this bothered over sidebar comments. Marie was literally created to give off the air of a child. That's the whole point of being a (goth) loli. It's why Marie's DLC outfits were more conservative in comparison to start with. (See? This is on-topic. lol)

And we all know the pressure TN was under to make everyone (read: the girls in the game) at least 18 to avoid getting the banhammer again. That's why they had to put MR's and Honoka's ages in their promotional trailers. If TN felt more unfettered, who knows how old MR and Honoka would be? It's not like every other Japanese company is super skittish about having characters less than 18 in their media while still putting them in "compromising" situations and attire. The "15-year-old schoolgirl" comment likely came from somewhere grounded as giving an age at all wasn't necessary for the character design example.

At any rate, it's all wink-wink-nudge-nudge stuff. No one is actually bleaching out their eyes. lol


Premium Donor
I kind of doubt that. If Marie didn't throw tantrums, fake cry, and hit every "child" mannerism trope, then no one would be giving her a hard time. It's not just about being "underdeveloped".

And you can always count on me to give Honoka a hard time if it'll help. I say she also kind of acts like a child. And Tom Lee's "15-year-old schoolgirl" design comment from that interview way back also comes to mind. lol

The same could be said of you getting this bothered over sidebar comments. Marie was literally created to give off the air of a child. That's the whole point of being a (goth) loli. It's why Marie's DLC outfits were more conservative in comparison to start with. (See? This is on-topic. lol)

And we all know the pressure TN was under to make everyone (read: the girls in the game) at least 18 to avoid getting the banhammer again. That's why they had to put MR's and Honoka's ages in their promotional trailers. If TN felt more unfettered, who knows how old MR and Honoka would be? It's not like every other Japanese company is super skittish about having characters less than 18 in their media while still putting them in "compromising" situations and attire. The "15-year-old schoolgirl" comment likely came from somewhere grounded as giving an age at all wasn't necessary for the character design example.

At any rate, it's all wink-wink-nudge-nudge stuff. No one is actually bleaching out their eyes. lol
Nyo throws a tantrum when she loses, and even so MR doesn't throw a big one, you have to remember that no one is going to be calm just you know...losing And she's only fake crying to win sympathy, she probably believes that since she looks so youthful that she can make you feel sorry for her. As for the child act, That's her character: If you look at her intros, she shows that she's actually quite mature, I believe the whole childish act is just a ruse, MR already knows that she's little and she simply uses it as an act for when she's fighting, she switches from childish and mature at the drop of a hat if you actually listen to her dialogue, or at least the English one, I don't care for Japanese voice other than. the funny KO screams. She honestly doesn't act that childish in my opinion, Honoka and Hitomi act way more immature in comparison. And I wouldn't call her DLC "conservative", it's been unfortunately getting progressively more revealing. And as for that commentator's comment, all I'm saying is that I don't appreciate them making a huge deal out of nothing, tourneys are for fighting and commentating on the fights, not on what a given character is wearing or how they look. And my opinion still stands, if Marie had big boobs, hips, and curves and was about Ayane's height, then this wouldn't really be up for debate, but I'm not trying to start anything so let's just carry on with DLC talk.
Let's keep this on topic please.
....Are you trolling? I just have to ask....
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Well-Known Member
And I wouldn't call her DLC "conservative", it's been unfortunately getting progressively more revealing.
I said "to start with" for a reason.

if Marie had big boobs, hips, and curves and was about Ayane's height, then this wouldn't really be up for debate
But then she wouldn't be a loli anymore and once again, that's the whole reason she exists. The point of her existence is why she's getting made fun of in the first place.

but I'm not trying to start anything so let's just carry on with DLC talk.
Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you?

Alright, I got this. Why are y'all still buying costumes? Stop enabling TN's continuous shark-jumping habit. lol


Premium Donor
That's my point, DOA should've just never had a loli type character in the first place. It doesn't help that there's people around here who think the people that like MR are instantly weird or sick just because we like her character design. Although I don't like her being sexualized and prefer her to be cute, I think it'd be just better to change her a bit, which the people who play X3 will be able to do if this new "lotion and milk" stuff they're getting really does what I think it'll do.

And in response to the question, let's face it, TN will never stop selling DLC, so we might as well buy the ones we like. As long as Kasumi can tie her hair up in a ponytail with the DLCs, it's A OK with me.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
The same could be said of you getting this bothered over sidebar comments. Marie was literally created to give off the air of a child. That's the whole point of being a (goth) loli. It's why Marie's DLC outfits were more conservative in comparison to start with. (See? This is on-topic. lol)

To be absolutely fair, if marie was dressing similarly to other girls while not acting like a kid at all...people would STILL be uncomfortable because of her height and lack of bust, plain and simple.

Seen plenty of people go into tizzies over female anime characters that look younger than they are even if they don't act like children at all.


Well-Known Member
Anyway I actually like the dlc and the fact that TN have supported the game for so long and with lots of great content and not to sound annoying but you don't have to buy it so I don't think its a problem.
I don't buy it. I just find it hard to believe that everyone thinks that the price range on these costumes are super acceptable compared to some other games' DLC (though maybe worse companies do exist). And perhaps now they've become so emboldened that we now have to pay for a stage when we hadn't before. That's kind of a problem. So, this kind of stuff affects me on a small level even if I don't buy costumes.

I suppose there can be arguments about what may be so great about this upcoming stage that it's worth paying for, or that maybe they have to charge for the stage because DLC sales have dropped.

And though I don't have/want it, from what I've heard about X3, it seems like it was a quick cash grab of questionable quality intended to sustain itself on people willing to buy costumes. This type of thing has larger consequences in the end.

To be absolutely fair, if marie was dressing similarly to other girls while not acting like a kid at all...people would STILL be uncomfortable because of her height and lack of bust, plain and simple.

Seen plenty of people go into tizzies over female anime characters that look younger than they are even if they don't act like children at all.
The whole "It's okay, they're actually 1000 years old" thing has probably not fooled a lot of people. I think conceptually there's a way to have a petite, not curvy character without completely giving off the air of a child. Though I don't have any examples off the top of my head.


Premium Donor
I don't buy it. I just find it hard to believe that everyone thinks that the price range on these costumes are super acceptable compared to some other games' DLC (though maybe worse companies do exist). And perhaps now they've become so emboldened that we now have to pay for a stage when we hadn't before. That's kind of a problem. So, this kind of stuff affects me on a small level even if I don't buy costumes.

I suppose there can be arguments about what may be so great about this upcoming stage that it's worth paying for, or that maybe they have to charge for the stage because DLC sales have dropped.

And though I don't have/want it, from what I've heard about X3, it seems like it was a quick cash grab of questionable quality intended to sustain itself on people willing to buy costumes. This type of thing has larger consequences in the end.

The whole "It's okay, they're actually 1000 years old" thing has probably not fooled a lot of people. I think conceptually there's a way to have a petite, not curvy character without completely giving off the air of a child. Though I don't have any examples off the top of my head.
Amy Sorel from SC4? And what about Talim? They're still lolis though and are quite sexualized, but they're actually underage, they're not 18.


Well-Known Member
I don't buy it. I just find it hard to believe that everyone thinks that the price range on these costumes are super acceptable compared to some other games' DLC (though maybe worse companies do exist). And perhaps now they've become so emboldened that we now have to pay for a stage when we hadn't before. That's kind of a problem. So, this kind of stuff affects me on a small level even if I don't buy costumes.

And though I don't have/want it, from what I've heard about X3, it seems like it was a quick cash grab of questionable quality intended to sustain itself on people willing to buy costumes. This type of thing has larger consequences in the end.

All of Doax3's dlc has actually been free so far so it doesn't seem that way. But when it comes to dlc for doa5 I'd say just everyone's different personally I don't mind but if you do that's fine. And yeah I do agree on the stage being money since the others have been free so they all should be but I guess that still isn't confirmed so who knows.


Well-Known Member
Amazingly, since its release, X3's only had one premium swimsuit. That said, it does allow you to optionally pay for things if you don't want to grind up the money, and they clearly wanted that to seem like the most viable option considering the only way to get owner money in any reasonable amount of time is gambling.
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