And here's my final draft of my work of Lilith/Succubus Queen Nyotengu
I'll add in details of what can be added extra, what type of underwear and even the type of jewelry that comes up on her person around the coming days.
The shirt design was the biggest pain for me because I couldn't draw the best medium of the type of shirt I wanted her to have...thanks to Ahlette's suggestions, I used references to figure out the best shirt possible as well as addons(I liked the straps that Lilithmon has on her top and wanted to incorporate them on my design as well as the overall top from another Succubus that's provocative without being way too much and can fit the regal/queenly theme I'm trying to get with.
Also the back skirt is actually supposed to be kinda like Argentus's skirt for his Rachel Egyptian design but since I suck terribly at it and I wanted to show off the shoes of her, I will have to add in that detail to TN as well.