The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Active Member
Maybe in DOA6 we can have a Thai pre-op tranny and when u hold on to R1 you can see the bulge in her pants. Good way to troll people.

Rachel the fiend Slayer

Well-Known Member
Maybe in DOA6 we can have a Thai pre-op tranny and when u hold on to R1 you can see the bulge in her pants. Good way to troll people.

Will she be hotter then video games hottest tranny.... POISON?!!!


Well-Known Member
I think it would be even cooler if they started letting the DOA cast speak their own native language, simular to Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (kinda) and Xuan Dou Zhi Wang.

Japanese: Kasumi, Ayane, Hayabusa, Hayate, Ein, Kokoro, Momiji

English: Tina, Bass, Zack, Lisa, Eliot, Christie, Rig

Chinese: Jan Lee, Lei Fang, Gen Fu, Brad Wong

Russian: Bayman

French: Helena

Italian: Leon

German: Hitomi

Swedish: Marie Rose

Not Sure: Mila (either Spanish or English),Rachel(English,Japanese, or the language her species speaks), Phase 4 (English and Japanese)

and finally

Groaning: Alpha 152 (if she comes back in the future)

Did I miss anyone?

I've always wanted that!!


Well-Known Member
I know that it is a disrespectful term.

People just use it because they don't want to type transgendered due to the length of the word.


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Standard Donor
50/50 chance of having no incident given that I've had no previous repercussions. What I mean by that is that I can't really know. For example, I've met "little people" who are offended by the term "little people." They prefer "dwarf," whereas others are offended to be called "dwarf." Similar things happen with other terms and slang, and ultimately it's just semantics. For some reason, different words fancy different people and offend others.

If I have no knowledge of the audience's disposition, I have to make a guess as to what will offend them. Usually, the term "tranny" hasn't. Presently, I can only think of two people I've known who are transgendered. One wasn't (and I assume still isn't) offended by the term. The other is a total ass and so I don't really care.

It's not my intention to offend people like that, but the truth is, every time you say something, you're going to offend someone. I can't very well not speak, so I say things while risking offense. So far I haven't known to have caused any offense with that term, so I haven't held back in its use.

Rachel the fiend Slayer

Well-Known Member
Isn't tranny short for transvestite though?

Poison wouldn't be hot if she wasn't a tranny and she isn't hot as one, either. Boring character, lame design. Only reason anyone gives a shit is because of the whole controversy surrounding the character's gender.

Heck yeah she hot, I'd even consider her one of the top 5 hottest in SF.

Boring? How many other female characters are badass sexy rocker chicksbeating people with a whip? :)

that poison is a mod, so is totally fake.

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