Recent content by Rikuto

  1. Rikuto

    That's cause its a good game. It's just that its an RPG where stat allocation actually matters...

    That's cause its a good game. It's just that its an RPG where stat allocation actually matters, not an action game and that pisses people off since they can't vanilla dodge roll through everything at level 1 without some hilarious consequences happening. Though I wouldn't shit on Scholar...
  2. Rikuto

    People who hate dark souls 2 will claim they love this game.

    People who hate dark souls 2 will claim they love this game.
  3. Rikuto

    The only controversy I recognize is the 200ms of input delay on that demo. Shit is wild.

    The only controversy I recognize is the 200ms of input delay on that demo. Shit is wild.
  4. Rikuto

    As somebody who was somewhat disappointed with Remake, I tend to agree. They knocked this one...

    As somebody who was somewhat disappointed with Remake, I tend to agree. They knocked this one out of the damn park.
  5. Rikuto

    Yohei Shimbori Now Works on Tekken 8

    5 worked out because Team Ninja modified it several times until it was good. The rest of them? Yeeeeaaaaa.... Oh I'm aware. I spend a large portion of my time in Finland, in fact I'm here right now. Can't get DOA fights to save my life. In this area its pretty much just Tekken or bust, so I...
  6. Rikuto

    Yohei Shimbori Now Works on Tekken 8

    That's more of a thing Ponton advocates for. I enjoy the speed and fluidity of it, but I never found it to be a consistent mechanic for actually dodging most things. Like yes, it WILL dodge stuff but there isn't an established science behind it to make it work 100% of the time when you want it...
  7. Rikuto

    Yohei Shimbori Now Works on Tekken 8

    We were both there at the dawn of time, and we both know nobody played 2 and 3 competitively outside of a select few. I'm not sure I want to return to that "Great"ness, even if I personally did enjoy the smaller hitboxes of that era.
  8. Rikuto

    Well if its 8ing you can expect it to be a kusoge. that's pretty much all they do lol

    Well if its 8ing you can expect it to be a kusoge. that's pretty much all they do lol
  9. Rikuto

    Yohei Shimbori Now Works on Tekken 8

    That presentation ironically got 6 more interest than it would have otherwise. Actually that whole fucked up scenario with core values would have been great PR if his bosses weren't a bunch of chicken shits and didn't walk THAT back too. If you've already become a famous meme, might as well use...
  10. Rikuto

    Yohei Shimbori Now Works on Tekken 8

    Itagaki was making drunk calls to Tom Lee putting him on blast when Devil's Third was about to launch. And Tom was one of his better friends lol
  11. Rikuto

    Yohei Shimbori Now Works on Tekken 8

    While im not saying its impossible.... there is some very REAL, non-scripted beef between Shimbori and KT. I don't know if such a thing is even possible or if the bridge was completely burned to the ground when he left, but it wasn't pretty. But yea, in the name of money, I guess anything can...
  12. Rikuto

    Yohei Shimbori Now Works on Tekken 8

    My understanding is that throws are unbreakable on counter now, but breakable otherwise. ... wait, how many years did I ask for that to be in DOA? Oh, Shimbori. You're my favorite fan.
  13. Rikuto

    Yohei Shimbori Now Works on Tekken 8

    Pretty much this. I'm sure Shimbori wants to get away from any drama related to DOA and his former job as much as possible, so hopefully people treat him with that level of respect going forward. He was given the most rotten hand on his last project and everyone deserves a clean break. Well...
  14. Rikuto

    Yohei Shimbori Now Works on Tekken 8

    Funny seeing the reactions of people now that the cat is out of the bag. Namco are no angels but I hope they treat him better in the longterm than KT did.
  15. Rikuto

    Proof that executives are the reason fighting games put in shitty mechanics that ruin everything.

    Proof that executives are the reason fighting games put in shitty mechanics that ruin everything.